
Fertilindo adalah pupuk pelengkap cair yang multifungsi bagi pertanian, peternakan, perikanan dan tanaman hias. Fertilindo adalah Pupuk PPC (Pupuk Pelengkap Cair) dengan kandungan unsur hara yang lengkap, yaitu : Nitrogen (N) : 10 % Phosphor (P2O2) : 10 % Kalium (K2O) : 10 % Trace mineral : 70 % ( Mg, Mn, Mo, Fe, Bo,Co, Cu, Zn )

Registry Cleaner

Digeus Registry Cleaner speeds up your computer by cleaning errors in your Windows. It removes the junk that accumulates in your Windows Registry, fixes Windows errors which results in speeding up your computer. With Digeus Registry Cleaner you just need a few mouse clicks and your computer will become as good as a brand new one..

Memasang File Gif Pada Posting Blog

Kali ini saya akan berbagi trik bloger yaitu bagaimana memasang file/gambar animasi berformat gif tanpa melibatkan hosting, yang langsung bisa dari postingan bloger. langsung saja caranya mudah kog yang perlu anda pesiapkan adalah browser yang anda gunakan yaitu mengunakan google chrome aja dan tentunya file animasi gif yang ingin di posting, dan hasil setelah anda memostingnya maka berfungsi dengan baik, silahkan di coba semoga bermanfaat. berikut ini contoh hasil postingan yang saya upload mengunakan browser google chrome


* Audiobook andrie wongso wisdom success vol 1 * Audio Book Andrie Wongso 2 * Audio Book Andrie Wongso 3 * Audio Book Andrie Wongso 4 * Audio Book Andrie Wongso 5 * Audio Book Andrie Wongso 6 .

Master Driver Pack Solution

DriverPack Solution adalah versi terbaru dari program yang paling populer untuk instalasi driver otomatis. Versi ini memiliki banyak fitur baru dan dioptimalkan untuk semua platform ( x32 – x64 ). Berkat database driver terbaru, program ini akan menginstal driver pada komputer manapun!

10 November 2012

Windows XP-Turbo™ 3D SP3 2010

it's Windows XP-TurboT 3D SP3 2010 .. Stable, Fast, Safe, Strong, Charming 3D appearance in the icons, wallpapers, themes ,the movement of windows and every thing. Windows XP-TurboT 3D SP3 2010 comes With a powerful collection of the most important full programs (optional install). It integrated with the latest updates and hotfixes. All this and more .. Sure you will feel the difference ..

Informasi Software :
* Release Name: Windows XP-Turbo 3D SP3 2010
* System: Windows XP Professional SP3 Original MSDN
* Year: 2009
* CD Key: Already Slipstreamed Original Key
* Activation: Already activated
* Install method: Unattended
* File format: ISO
* Size: 700 MB
* Bootable
* Accept updates from Microsoft

Programs Added: (optional install)
* Avira Antivirus
* yahoo messenger 10
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* flash player
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* K-lite Kodec
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* More than 15 New 3D styler Themes
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27 September 2012


Fertilindo adalah pupuk pelengkap cair yang multifungsi bagi pertanian, peternakan, perikanan dan tanaman hias.
Fertilindo adalah Pupuk PPC (Pupuk Pelengkap Cair) dengan kandungan unsur hara yang lengkap, yaitu :

Nitrogen (N)     : 10 %
Phosphor (P2O2)  : 10 %
Kalium (K2O)     : 10 %
Trace mineral    : 70 %
 ( Mg, Mn, Mo, Fe, Bo,Co, Cu, Zn )

Karena kandungan haranya yang lengkap, maka Fertilindo sangat cocok untuk segala macam jenis tanaman
aplikasi di lapangan yang menunjukkan peningkatan hasil pada setiap fase pertumbuhan.
1. Bisa berfungsi sebagai Pupuk Daun
2. Bisa Berfungsi sebagai Pupuk Bunga
3. Bisa Berfungsi sebagai Pupuk Buah
Berikut adalah manfaat Fertilindo yang telah teruji dilapangn mampu meningkatkan produksi pertanian, peternakan dan perikanan. Semuanya merupakan pengalaman yang signifikan.


Khususnya tanaman holtikultura, padi  dan palawija
A. Holtikultura
- Mutu/Hasil Produksi meningkat 40%
- Untuk buah dan sayuran warna lebih cerah dan mengkilat
- Mutu tahan lama/tidak cepat busuk
- Interval/waktu panen lebih cepat dari yang biasanaya
- Tahan terhadap penyakit

B. Tanaman Padi dan Palawija
- Mutu / hasil produksi meningkat 40 %
- Bisa memaksimalkan gabah / buah
Perbandingan Hasil
1. Yang tidak memakai Fertilindo
a. Mutu / hasil gabah kurang bagus, banyak yang gabug
b. Nasi cepat basi / lembek
2. Yang memakai fertilindo
a. 95 % gabah / buah berisi
b. Mutu beras / nasi lebih putih, pulen dan tidah mudah basi
- Waktu panen lebih cepat
- Tahan terhadap gangguan hama dan penyakit
2-3 Tutup botol Fertilindo dicampur 14 ltr air / satu tanki
Interval penyemprotan 5 – 7 hari.
Aman dicampurkan dengan Pestisida dan atau obat tanaman lainnya

II. Peternakan
A. Ternak Sapi / Lembu
1. Untuk manfaat Sapi / lembu perah
 - Meningkatkan produksi susu
 - Kwalitas / mutu susu lebih baik dari yang biasanya.
2. Sapi/Lembu pedaging
 - Produksi daging lebih cepat dari yang biasanya  3 – 4 bulan lebih cepat 1 bulan
   dari yang biasanya.
Dosis :
1 tutup botol  fertilindo dicampur dalam makanan dan minuman (komboran) 10 lt air.

Manfaat Lain Dari Fertilindo Dalam Pencegahan Dan Pengobatan Penyakit Pada Sapi / Lembu
Diantaranya :
  - Cacingan
Ciri2 : Lembu lesu tidak mau makan dan minum
  - Perut kembung
Cara Penggunaan : Fertilindo dicampur dalam makanan, minuman ataupun komboran
Dosis pemakaian : 1 tutup fertilindo untuk 10 lt air.
  - Penyakit kulit
Cara penggunaan : Luka diolesi / dibalur dengan Fertilindo
B. Untuk Ayam dan Unggas
Manfaat :
1. Pertumbuhan lebih cepat
2. Meningkatkan produksi daging dan telur
3. Stamina lebih terjaga, menekan angka kematian
4. Untuk Pencegahan Penyakit, Khususnya Flu Burung, snot, diare, flu

Dosis Fertilindo : 1 tutup botol Fertilindo dicampur dengan 20 liter air minum diberikan setiap hari

III. Perikanan
Manfaat / Kegunaan Fertilindo
1. Mensterilkan tanah dalam kolam
2. Membantu pertumbuhan renih dalam air
3. Merangsang pertumbuhan ikan dan udang
4. Mempercepat produksi, panen lebih cepat dari biasanya
5. Hasil maksimal, menekan angka kematian
Dosis :
  - untuk awal proses pengisian air dalam kolam / bak
  4 tutup botol Fertilindo untuk bak / kolam ukuran 2 x 4 m dengan ketinggian air 1
    m :
  - Untuk pembibitan udang dan ikan.
  - 2 tutup botol Fertilindo untuk bak / kolam ukuran 2 x 4 m dengan interval pemberian 5-7 hari sekali

IV. Tanaman Hias
1. Mempercepat pertumbuhan
2. Tahan terhadap gangguan penyakit dan jamur atau cendawan
Caranya disemprot atau disiram
Untuk penyiraman pada batang bawah
Dosis : 2 tutup botol Fertilindo dicampur dengan 10 Ltr air.

Untuk pemesanan silahkan hubungi no ini: Hp:085728050964 (Hery Styawan)

Dan berikut gambar salah satu hasil dari penggunan PPC FERTILINDO

Serta salah satu video bisa dilihatdibawah ini:

Untuk pemesanan silahkan hubungi no ini: Hp:085728050964 (Hery Styawan)

06 March 2012

Internet Download Manager 6.08 Build 9 - 2012

Saat ini saya akan berbagi software yaitu Internet Download Manager 6.08 Build 9. Internet Download Manager 6.08 Build 9 adalah alat untuk meningkatkan kecepatan download sampai 5 kali, dapat melanjutkan pada jadwal mingguan. Comprehensive error recovery dan melanjutkan kemampuan akan restart download yg rusak atau terputus karena kehilangan koneksi, masalah jaringan, komputer shutdowns, atau listrik padam tak terduga.Internet Download Manager 6.08 Build 9 memiliki kecepatan men-download accelerator yang baik, dinamis dan teknologi download multipart aman untuk mempercepat download Anda. Tidak seperti download manager lainnya accelerators Internet Download Manager dapat meningkatkan proses download mencapai kinerja percepatan terbaik.
bagi yang ingin mendapatkanya silahkan anda donwload aja.


05 March 2012

Registry Cleaner

Digeus Registry Cleaner speeds up your computer by cleaning errors in your Windows. It removes the junk that accumulates in your Windows Registry, fixes Windows errors which results in speeding up your computer. With Digeus Registry Cleaner you just need a few mouse clicks and your computer will become as good as a brand new one.

Key features:

* Removes unused and invalid entries
* Speeds up boot up time
* Fixes Windows errors which results in speeding up your computer
* Eliminates BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)
* Invaluable when your system starts crashing, hangs, freezes and works slow
* This is one of the most popular registry cleaners on the Internet

Digeus Registry Cleaner

  main sreen
"Actions" menu
Pop-up menu
Scanning registry for errors
Download Registry Cleaner

21 February 2012

Master Driver Pack Solution 2011

DriverPack Solution adalah versi terbaru dari program yang paling populer untuk instalasi driver otomatis. Versi ini memiliki banyak fitur baru dan dioptimalkan untuk semua platform ( x32 – x64 ). Berkat database driver terbaru, program ini akan menginstal driver pada komputer manapun!
DriverPack Solution menyederhanakan proses menginstal ulang Windows pada komputer manapun. Tidak ada lagi masalah dengan mencari dan menginstal driver. Semuanya akan dilakukan secara otomatis dan dalam beberapa klik mouse. Program ini akan menginstall semua driver yang diperlukan ke komputer manapun hanya dalam waktu sekitar 5 menit.
DriverPack Solution 2011 Mendukung untuk semua sistem operasi modern seperti Windows XP / Vista / 7 ( x86 – x64 ) Baik 64-bit dan versi 32-bit!

  Download DriverPack Solution 11 

Part 01 Download | Part 09 Download 
Part 02 Download | Part 10 Download 
Part 03 Download | Part 11 Download 
Part 04 Download | Part 12 Download 
Part 05 Download | Part 13 Download 
Part 06 Download | Part 14 Download 
Part 07 Download | Part 15 Download 
Part 08 Download | Part 16 Download

19 February 2012

Driver Genius Professional 10 Portable

Driver Genius 10 Professional improves PC performance with the powerful driver manager for Windows® that backs up, restores, and updates your device drivers automatically! With just a few clicks of your mouse Driver Genius updates the drivers your system can’t find on its own! What’s more, this powerful and easy driver management tool can analyze your system and recommend suitable drivers for your PC from a database containing over 30,000+ different drivers. The database contains drivers for the vast majority of hardware devices such as motherboards, video cards, sound cards, network cards, modems, monitors, mice, keyboards, digital cameras, video capture cards etc.


Why Do You Need Driver Genius?

When upgrading to Windows 7 or purchasing a Windows 7 compatible PC, the BIGGEST problem often facing users is that existing hardware or peripheral devices drivers aren't Windows 7 compatible. Driver Genius eliminates this issue by automatically scanning your PC, finding the problem drivers, downloading the updated drivers and fixing your PC! Driver Genius is essential to any new PC or Windows 7 upgrade purchase!


Update Your Drivers The Smart and Safe Way!

Diagnose, Search, Download and Install From Over 30,000 Device Drivers.

1. Updates Drivers - Automatically detect which drivers need updating. 1 Easy Step downloads!
2. Installs Drivers - New Driver Install Wizard makes simplifies installation.
3. Backups Drivers - Detect and backup installed devices drivers for your PC.
4. Restores Drivers - Reinstalled your Operating System? Just 1 Click automatically reinstalls all your backup drivers.
5. Uninstalls Drivers - Remove old and useless drivers that harm your system and slow your PC with just a few clicks of your mouse.


* Access the Driver Download Manager for faster and more reliable downloads
* Use View Details Link to see immediate driver update information.

30,000+ Drivers Supported

* Digital Cameras
* MP3 Players
* Motherboards
* VOIP Phones
* Video Cameras
* Modem Cards
* Printers
* CD/DVD Drives
* Video & Sound Cards
* Network Cards
* Keyboard & Mouse
* Hard Drivers
* And More!

System Requirements
Version 10
Platform Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista 32-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 2008 Server 64-bit, Windows 2003 Server 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit
Version # 10.0

* Size of ESD file in MB (if applicable) : 6.5 MB

Compatible platforms

* Windows XP (32-bit & 64-bit)
* Windows Vista (32-bit & 64-bit)
* Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
* Windows Server 2003 (32-bit & 64-bit)
* Windows 2008 Server (32-bit & 64-bit)

16 February 2012


AlienGUIse is a pack which includes a desktop theme manager and five fabulous themes with a futuristic appearance which will renew your OS interface.
The names of the themes included in AlienGUIse are: XenoMorph, Invader, Darkstar, AlienMorph, Aloenware Superman and ALXMorph.
The main modifications which will take place when you'll choose a theme will affect the start menu, system tray, wallpaper, icons and the Windows Media Player Skin.
If you want to set a theme, you'll only have to run AlienGUIse and choose the one you like the most. Finally, if you decide to go back to the original theme, just choose Windows XP Desktop from the list of themes.

01 February 2012

Memasang File Gif Pada Posting Blog

Kali ini saya akan berbagi trik bloger yaitu bagaimana memasang file/gambar animasi berformat gif tanpa melibatkan hosting, yang langsung bisa dari postingan bloger. langsung saja caranya mudah kog yang perlu anda pesiapkan adalah browser yang anda gunakan yaitu mengunakan google chrome aja dan tentunya file animasi gif yang ingin di posting, dan hasil setelah anda memostingnya maka berfungsi dengan baik, silahkan di coba semoga bermanfaat. berikut ini contoh hasil postingan yang saya upload mengunakan browser google chrome

24 January 2012

Camtica 4.3.72130

Camtica enables you to create professional screen recordings, presentations, tutorials and more. You can record any desktop activity with voice, webcam and animated mouse clicks. The resulting video can be saved in various formats including AVI and WMV.

Why do you need Camtica?
* To create professional screen recordings, demonstrations, presentations, screencasts, tutorials and more
* To generate effective videos that help you train, teach, sell and more
* To create demonstration videos for any software program
* To show customers how to use your product
* To create on-demand interactive training, tutorials for school or college class
* To create a set of videos answering your most frequently asked questions
* To share your recordings on YouTube, Screencast.com and other videos sites

* Records entire desktop, selected rectangle region, dynamic region around mouse cursor, webcam
* Records anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen and rectangular regions
* Records desktop screen with audio and webcam together - personalizing your videos by including a webcam movie of yourself over * your desktop at any position
* Records video chats, Skype video calls, games, flash movies played on sites
* Mouse highlighting spotlights the location of the cursor
* Records video in many video file formats including AVI and WMV
* Supports various video and audio codecs
* Free support and advice
* Free lifetime updates and upgrades
* System requirements: Windows XP/2000/2003/Vista/Windows 7

It’s easy to use as one, two, three.

You may get more information about Camtica 4.3.72130 here:
Screen Recorder Software

Camtica screenshots and features description:

This is how the main screen looks like:

Select recording mode in select area dropdown menu:

Enable or disable webcam and audio inputs by pressing on the corresponding icon:

Select webcam input device:

Webcam options menu:

In webcam options menu you can select webcam device and set coordinates with width and height of webcam region where you want to place it on the recoding in case you select recording desktop together with webcam. Here is an example of desktop region recording with webcam together:

Select audio input device:

Audio options menu:

In audio options menu you can select audio device which will be used in recoding. You can also enable or disable audio input.

Recoding dropdown menu:

Recoding options:

In recoding options select output format WMV or AVI with all codecs available. You can enable resize captured video mode and your final video will be converted to selected resolution.

In misc panel you can choose Frames Per Second (FPS) recording mode and hotkey you will press when you want to stop recording.

In mouse panel you choose if you want to record mouse cursor and if you want to highlight spotlight the location of the mouse cursor with selected color. Examples of possible cursors:

This is how desktop recording will look like with highlighted mouse cursor:

When you press Record button this window will appear notifying that you need to press F10 button to finish recoding video:

You can also stop recording by pressing stop button. This form is located in tray while video is being recorder.

After stopping recording you can save or discard it:

Let’s consider recording modes:

Full Screen

Choose Full screen mode in select area dropdown menu and press Record button.

Custom size region on the screen

Choose Custom size mode in select area dropdown menu. Then Marker Window will appear. Select the region on the screen you want to record (application, menu, even Skype video call menu to record video of your opponent and audio), then press Record button.


Custom size region on the screen around mouse

Choose Around mouse mode in select area dropdown menu. Then Marker Window will appear. Stretch the region to any size you want to make recoding around mouse, then press Record button. You may move mouse everywhere on the screen and only the area around mouse will be recorded.

Webcam only

This mode allows you to record webcam only. When you select this mode the webcam preview window will appear. Stretch this window to any size you wish. The recorded video will be selected size.